Sleep Deprivation (causes and effects)

I heard someone once say,

"Whoever  coined the phrase, 'sleeping like a baby' obviously never had one."

 Sleep Deprivation (causes and effects)


I am quite sure that everyone has had the experience where deep sleep evaded him or her. I have learned that there are many reasons why this may happen. It could be something the person ate before laying down such as something spicy or stimulating. I understand that vigorous and strenuous physical activity right before trying to rest will prolong the ability to go to sleep. It may also be that there is something tormenting a person's emotions, something on which he or she cannot stop dwelling. Finally, there may be a combination of these events at different levels of intensity. These things may be in the person's control to some degree, but there is another sinister cause that may be preventable, the side effects of prescription and illegal drug use.

I am not qualified to present any more information than just my opinion, but I think that most people are too quick to consume a drug before learning about the risks of side effects. If my physician says, "Take this." I trust him and loyally obey. Others are just as trusting with untrained relatives, friends, strangers and even notorious thugs on the street. Below are some resources that may help enlighten those who are trying to learn why they or someone they know are finding it difficult to sleep.

Whatever it is, I pray that you find relief.


Baby Asleep, photo by Tara Raye on Unsplash